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  1. Nudist Fathers (gallery) — 35 comments
  2. Fаmily Naturism (gallery) — 21 comments
  3. Winter Nudist Fаmilies (gallery) — 14 comments
  4. Anastasia Chernyavsky (gallery) — 12 comments
  5. My Mommy Is Beautiful! (gallery) — 10 comments

Author's posts

Vladimir Fedotko (gallery)

Vladimir Fedotko is a photographer from St. Petersburg, Russia. He is known for his talent to magically combine traditional drawing, photography and computer processing. Fedotko creates unique photos and fills them with fairy-tale characters. His images are bright and elegant. The artist shows a variety of stories that combine surrealism and fantasy. Digital art appeared …

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Anastasia Chernyavsky (gallery)

Anastasia Chernyavsky is a Russian-born photographer who currently lives with her husband and their two children in Foster City (San Francisco Bay Area), United States. Her first photographic equipment was a Zenit E camera her father have her as a gift when she was 15 years old. After her first child being born, Anastasia started …

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Fаmily Naturism (gallery)

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Winter Nude Sport and Games (gallery)

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NIFTY swim nights

NIFTY SWIM NIGHTS ——— NIFTY Swim Nights Templeton Pool 700 Templeton drive Vancouver NIFTY events are clothing optional, but here’s a great chance to have a sauna in the traditional manner – NUDE! This is a family event and just like at Wreck Beach, normal, respectful behavior is expected at all times. So please bring …

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NIFTY Library

NIFTY LIBRARY ———  NIFTY maintains the library – a collection of over 600 magazines, books and videos related to the fight for clothing-optional rights. To borrow a library item, NIFTY members can make a verbal request at NIFTY swims or send an email to: There is a $15 deposit and the item must be returned at the next NIFTY swim. …

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Nude Horseback Riding (gallery)

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“Winter’s Childrеn” by Jim Mangan (video)

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Winter Nudist Fаmilies (gallery)

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Winter Nudist (4 photos)

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