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Website Policy

NIFTY Website Policy

1. The NIFTY website is maintained by the volunteers of the Website Committee. To join the Website Committee, a NIFTY member must demonstrate understanding of NIFTY goals and be approved by a NIFTY meeting.

2. The NIFTY website is administered by the webmaster, elected at a NIFTY meeting. The webmaster will maintain NIFTY mailing lists, and the website’s functionality, stability, style, design, structure, security and integrity, in compliance with this policy.

3. Members of the Website Committee can draft articles and events on the NIFTY website and social networks on behalf of NIFTY, or they can e-mail the appropriate material to the webmaster for further approval, processing and publishing. Non-members of the Website Committee can also submit articles, media and suggestions, but they cannot vote as members of the Website Committee. The content the members submit must comply with Canadian law; must be attributed properly if required by copyright law; must be consistent with the current website style, design, and structure; and must be relevant, consistent with the spirit of the NIFTY constitution and bylaws, free of typographical errors, ethically and aesthetically sound, and easy to understand. The fonts, formatting, colours, size and style of the text and images should follow the main style of the website and have the appropriate category assigned. All non-original media and text published on the NIFTY website should be in the public domain, except where used for criticism, review or news reporting in accordance with fair dealing or limitation and exception to the exclusive right granted by copyright law to the author of a creative work. Links to outside websites should be related to nudism, clothing-optional rights, naturism or nude art only, and are allowed only on the “Links” page. Members cannot use the NIFTY website to advertise or promote names, products, services or views unrelated to nudism/naturism, nude art or clothing-optional rights.

4. NIFTY members monitor the contents of the website or drafts presented for publication, and shall promptly advise the website committee in the event they see any material not in compliance with this policy. In this case, the webmaster will block the questionable material from publishing and discuss the issue with the poster. If the problem cannot be resolved between the webmaster and the poster, the problem shall be brought to the website committee where resolution will be made by consensus or majority vote.

5. Website committee membership may be terminated by NIFTY general meeting vote if the member is inactive or in violation of the website policy.

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