NIFTY Pool-Spa Night – confirmed.

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27 May 2023 - 20:00





Attention!! Sometimes our swims are cancelled or moved to a different location. Please check our calendar events page and our announcement widget in the right column for the latest information regarding our swims.

Location: Templeton Pool, 700 Templeton drive, Vancouver.

Time: 8:00pm to 10:00pm.

Cost: Regular admission is $9. NIFTY offers half price swim rates to students and low income people. Children (18 years & younger) are admitted free when accompanied by their parents. Annual membership (by donation, $0 and up) required for all adult admissions.

Attention Newcomers: Your first NIFTY swim is only $1. Please click on the image below, print, photograph or save the discount coupon on your smartphone or camera and present it at the next NIFTY swim. We accept the coupons on paper, digital cameras and smartphones.



All N.I.F.T.Y. swims are clothing optional.

Afterwards, if you would like to, you are welcome to continue socializing with the group at a local restaurant.
Whether you go to the restaurant or not is completely your choice, and does not affect your entrance to the pool.

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