NIFTY is first and foremost an activist political entity. Although organizing and engaging in social and recreational activities is necessarily part of our function, our primary focus must always remain on political organization towards full clothing-optional rights in all public spaces in Canada.
(NIFTY Constitution, Paragraph 2)
NIFTY shall be, as much as possible, a grassroots democratic organization. No president or permanent chair shall exist. A chair shall be elected at each NIFTY meeting for the purpose of that meeting only, their term ending with that meeting. The only table officers are the secretary and the treasurer.
For a NIFTY meeting to be valid, reasonable attempts to notify the membership of that meeting, well in advance of said meeting, must he made. At least three members shall constitute a quorum.
Established by BC Supreme Court, 2000 June 8
(Citation: Maple Ridge v. Meyer, 2000 BCSC 902)
“We had a legal opinion and its very clear she is correct. It is not a crime.” – Terry La Liberte, Vancouver Police Board
“Deputy [Vancouver Police] Chief Doug LePard said he would notify the training session of the department to issue a bulletin for police officers.” – Vancouver Courier, 2007 Feb.28
Nudists remain unclothed any time when practical, but tend to dress when the weather becomes bad.
William-AdolpheBouguereau (November 30, 1825 – August 19, 1905) was a French academic painter and traditionalist. In his realistic genre paintings he used mythological themes, making modern interpretations of classical subjects, with an emphasis on the female human body. During his life he enjoyed significant popularity, was given numerous official honors, and received top prices for his work. Throughout the course of his life, Bouguereau executed 822 known finished paintings, although the whereabouts of many are still unknown.
Based on Wikipedia
Naturism is a way of life when naked people live in harmony with nature.
NIFTY meetings shall be non-smoking and clothing-optional if possible.
Founded in 1992, NIFTY (Naked Iconoclasts Fighting The Yoke) is a group of citizens who believe that people should be allowed to decide for themselves whether to wear clothing or not in public spaces. Essentially, the group formed in opposition to section 174 of the Canadian Criminal Code, which declares public nudity a criminal offense. However, we advocate for clothing-optional rights for everyone, not just Canadians. Although many NIFTY members are naturists or nudists, NIFTY is not a naturist/nudist group; we are simply a group of citizens who believe in the right of every person to decide what, if any, clothing to wear in public spaces.
Arthur de Pins (born in 1977 in Britain) is a well known French artist, illustrator, animator, and character designer. He has graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (2000). His naturist characters are amazing. Most of them are funny and stylish, leaving no doubt that the creator has a great sense of humor.
NIFTY’s first official meeting was held in 1993, and we began renting Vancouver’s Templeton Park Pool for monthly clothing-optional swims in 1998. Since then, our membership has grown significantly, and several thousand people have been NIFTY members at some point over the years, with about 500 up-to-date members at any given time.
Nudists have all kinds of bodies, all sorts of sizes and shapes, all sorts of ages. You can be fat, have a scar, have mastectomy, etc. Nudism is not a beauty contest.
The vast majority of nudists are open, understanding and extremely friendly. They are repulsed at even the thought of pornography or sexual immorality.
NIFTY is an organization of people who oppose the legal ban on public nudity in Canada, and who are interested in organizing politically towards the abolishment of that ban.
(NIFTY Constitution, Paragraph 1)
Vladimir Fedotko is a photographer from St. Petersburg, Russia. He is known for his talent to magically combine traditional drawing, photography and computer processing. Fedotko creates unique photos and fills them with fairy-tale characters. His images are bright and elegant. The artist shows a variety of stories that combine surrealism and fantasy.
Digital art appeared about 15 years ago and is very popular today among both beginners and professional photographers. Vladimir creates amazing images full of beauty, and mystery. Most striking in his work that it is not clear where is the photo, and where is the drawing. The artist takes into account everything – color, shade, and the texture of the object. You could say – this is magical realism in photography.
Membership in NIFTY shall be open to anyone who supports the elimination of legislation forcing the wearing of clothing in public spaces.
I am one of the most liberal people you will ever meet regarding nudism. I believe clothing should be 100 % optional except where there is a health or safety risk. I would allow nudism in all parks, public streets, shopping malls, etc. I would not allow it on construction sites, public transport or hospitals (hygiene). Churches would be allowed to decide for themselves (morality issue).
However I think we have to be reasonable in our expectations in what society is ready to allow. The Vancouver Parks Board, being an elected body, would never take a political risk so huge to allow nudism at such a super high profile location such as 3rd beach, with thousands of tourist streaming by on rental bicycles.
There is no place for even a bit of privacy for those of us who don’t want hundreds of tourists with telephoto cameras taking photos and posting them online. Cameras would be impossible to police. That is one of the reasons Wreck is so successful is that it offers a bit of seclusion from the mainstream.
The Parks Board will be brief and dismissive. They will not take naturist organizations seriously if you make requests for clothing optional areas in super high profile locations. (I.e. behind closed doors their reaction would be “are they crazy?”)
I suggest you revise your petition to a slightly lower profile location and save 3rd beach for another time when it might have a chance. Currently it would cause the Parks Board to slam the door and not take nudists seriously.
Your location should be at least a little to the side and it is essential that it offers at least a partially secluded area for a bit of privacy. If that does not happen then you would only get a tiny group of people who strongly believe in nudist philosophy (mainstream would not use it, except to voy). I suggest a place like a corner of kits beach near the cliffs or near some trees, or perhaps an area of a city park with some hills or other backdrop like Queen Elizabeth Park.
I love that you are forward thinking. The idea certainly opens up a conversation but it needs revision for others to take naturists seriously.
Respectfully yours
I think it’s a great idea thank you for your help and support
NIFTY did not start the petition. We just published a link to it. Many of the people who go to Third Beach would go nude if it was allowed and they wear minimal clothing as it is. Some of them visit Wreck Beach too. But as for changing the location — you would have to contact the petition creators themselves.